About Imperfect foods

Imperfect Foods is an online grocery business that sells foods that would have otherwise been thrown out by traditional grocery stores.


This absurd perfectionism surrounding what is considered "good produce" in the U.S. is a lose-lose game for everyone from the farmers to the consumers.


People in their 20s and 30s who want to make the world a better place but don’t want to break the bank doing so

taste over waste

ADdison Hamby, Coral li & Isabel Alvarez

Let's face the facts: the food culture in the U.S. is basically a waste-producing factory. We are tossing away heaps of perfectly wholesome produce because of itsy-bitsy quirks and arbitrary expiration dates. It’s insane how much food waste comes from our imperfect food systems. By rescuing these goodies, Imperfect Foods helps cut down on waste.


Wild postings

Produce Stickers

New stickers on Imperfect Foods produce

Also comes in sheets so people can put it on produce in grocery stores

Collectable plushes

Imperfect food plushes made from recycled fabric

food preservation pampHlet

Tips to help consumers keep their food fresher longer